Technology Support for the Enhancement of Productivity in International Virtual Teams
The enhancement of productivity in international virtual teams can be
accomplished through improved technology support, since technology
support represents the enabler for traditional teams to operate virtually. As
leaders of virtual teams (regardless if the teams are international, national,
regional, or local) begin to form and manage virtual workplaces, it is important
for them to provide a portfolio of technology support for their teams.
Technological tools such as Webcons (i.e., Web conferences), Webcasts (i.e.,
Web broadcasts), Webinars (i.e., Web seminars), virtual private networks,
instant messaging, electronic white boards, and others play a vital role for
teams in order to perform effectively in a virtual work world. Although all of these
tools are somewhat interdependent, it is helpful to consider them as
belonging to one of three broad categories of technology: Infrastructure,
Instant Communication, and Collaboration.
This article provides a foundation, based on literature research, for the
utilization of technology support to enhance the productivity of international
virtual teams, as well as examples through mini-cases to illustrate practical
application and integration of these different categories of technology. Though
the focus is on international virtual teams, the foundation and examples are
also relevant to national, regional, and local virtual teams